"Marketing doesn’t have flavors. Marketing has objectives" stated
Stefanos Karagos’ – Founder & CEO of XPLAIN, in his keynote speech during the Mobifest 2015 in Romania
"It’s an "M" World" was the title of Stefanos Karagos’ presentation in Mobifest Conference 2015 in Bucharest, last Wednesday May 13. In his inspirational speech that reached a wide audience among the top Marketing professionals and top level managers, Mr. Karagos stated that "There is NO Mobile Marketing as there never was a Laptop Marketing! Marketing is all about Communication and Real Life". Furthermore, he addressed the latest trends and numerous interesting facts about mobile use in Romania: "The Mobile penetration in Romania is 113% and a 27% of google searches are generated from mobile phones". He also stated that "we live in a Mobile World, as the 60% of mobile users use their mobile device as their primary or exclusive internet device" and he provided the survivor’s checklist for businesses and marketers.
Here is the summary of XPLAIN’s 9 +1 learnings from running 130 Brands in 30 countries in order to survive in the Mobile World:
1. Optimize your Web Site for mobile users
2. Optimize your ads for Mobile Consumption
3. Optimize your traditional TVC for the 5”Pitch
4. Optimize your content for consumption On-the-Go
5. Optimize your email campaigns and landing pages
6. Trigger Mobile generated content for your marketing efforts
7. Utilize Zmot in your Marketing Plans
8. Video Content is on the rise. Optimize it before you use it
9. Do not create another one useless app
10. It’s not about the screen size, it’s about your brand’s relevance size.

Stefanos Karagos is a disruptive Keynote Speaker and has been awarded many times for his successful business presentations by accredited entities like Slideshare. He is known as thought leader, using non-conventional ways to interact with the audience and he is an active member of the Word of Mouth Marketing Association (WoMMA) with a longstanding experience in the Digital World.
XPLAIN, the leading Digital Marketing Audit & Advisory Company has a strong presence in the Romanian market, having worked with clients of both multinational and local status like Baneasa Shopping Mall, Dacia and Napolact and has effectively led them to the top of the Social Media in Romania.
The Mobifest 2015 Conference in Romania is organized by Evensys and it is an established event for Marketing professionals, attracting international interest and participation.
XPLAIN team is providing creative, cutting edge online services, pledging tangible and guaranteed results. Because We Love to Integrate Brands into Life!