PRSA Member Code of Ethics 2000
PRSA Code Provisions
Core Principle
Protecting and advancing the free flow of accurate and truthful information is essential to serving the public interest and contributing to informed decision making in a democratic society.
To maintain the integrity of relationships with the media, government officials, and the public.
To aid informed decision-making.
A member shall:
Preserve the integrity of the process of communication.
Be honest and accurate in all communications.
Act promptly to correct erroneous communications for which the practitioner is responsible.
Preserve the free flow of unprejudiced information when giving or receiving gifts by ensuring that gifts are nominal, legal, and infrequent.
Examples of Improper Conduct Under this Provision:
A member representing a ski manufacturer gives a pair of expensive racing skis to a sports magazine columnist, to influence the columnist to write favorable articles about the product.
A member entertains a government official beyond legal limits and/or in violation of government reporting requirements.
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