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Ana Adi
Fulbright Alumna si Freelancer

Violeta-Loredana Pascal

(English version)

E-mail. E-marketing. E-shop. E-politics. E-strategie. E-PR. Poate ajungem si la e-imagine, e-persuasiune, e-imaginatie, e-creativitate, e-reclama, e-film, e-concept sau chiar la e-cetatean. Lumea lui "e" (de la electronic) s-a lansat nu demult insa ne-a cucerit imaginatia si ne-a schimbat stilul de viata intr-atat incat cei peste 15 ani de cand exista par o eternitate. Cati dintre noi isi aduc aminte de "viata dinainte de Internet", dinainte de blogguri, de YouTube sau Facebook si cati din viitorii PR-isti isi vor mai povesti despre asa ceva.

Suntem martorii si protagonistii unei tranzitii extrem de rapide de la spatiul real la cel virtual, de la un fir la o unda ce nu se vede dar oare stim asta? O tranzitie in care lumea virtuala are mari sanse sa devina cu mult mai bogata si uneori chiar mai accesibila decat lumea reala… Suna a science fiction insa internetul permite abordari ale unor grupuri-nisa, permite exprimari ce altfel sunt reprimate si da glas celor ce nu se pot vedea sau auzi fie fiindca sunt prea departe sau fiindca nu au puterea sau nu detin mijloacele necesare. Lumea lui "e" are limbajul ei propriu, reguli specifice si tehnologii integrate. Lumea lui e e interactiva si e datatoare de putere… Insa lumea lui e este azi atat de mare! E-lumea nu mai e populata si nici nu mai apartine doar celor tineri… ei detin inca majoritate insa incet-incet lumea lui e a devenit atragatoare chiar si pentru cei trecuti de 40 de ani. O cucerire a lui e bazata pe nevoia acestora din urma de a comunica cu cei dragi, de a fii la curent cu cele mai fierbinti stiri sau pur si simplu de a tine pasul sau de a-i intelege pe cei mai tineri. Asa, lumea lui e a prins un plus de culoare si un suflu de profunzime… unii numesc asta evolutie.

Propunem ca in saptamanile si lunile ce urmeaza sa ne uitam la e-lumea comunicarii si la relatia noastra, a PR-istilor romani cu ea. Propunem sa povestim despre cetateanul jurnalist si blogul sau pe care scrie fie de bine, fie de rau despre ceea ce romanul intelege si numeste PR, sa scriem despre campanii electorale unde utilizatorii adreseaza intrebarile lor candidatilor in forma unor scurte mesaje multimedia sau sa discutam despre evaluarea impactului si efectului unor campanii online.

Ne vom vedea in curand cu idei, comentarii sau simple intrebari despre e-politics.



E-mail. E-marketing. E-shop. E-politics. E-strategy. E-PR. Maybe we’ll even get to e-image, e-persuasion, e-imagination, e-creativity, e-ads, e-movie, e-concepts or e-citizen. The World of “e” (from electronic) was launched not too long ago but conquered our imagination and changed our life style so much that those 15 years since it exists seem to many of us an eternity. How many of us do still remember “life before the internet”, before blogs, YouTube or Facebook and how many of the future PR professionals are going to talk about such things?

We are the witnesses and main characters the same time of a very fast-paced transition from the real World to a virtual one, from a wire to a wave that cannot be seen… How many of us realize that? A transition when the virtual world has great chances to become richer and sometimes even more accessible than the real world. Sounds like Science Fiction but the internet allows us to reach niche targets, it allows those repressed to express themselves as well as it gives a voice to those that cannot be heard or seen because they are either too far or they simply do not have the necessary means to make themselves heard/seen. The e-world has its own language, specific rules and integrated technologies. The e-world is interactive and empowering… but, on the other hand the e-wrold is so big! The world of e is not populated only by youngsters anymore nor is it owned by them. They still represent the majority but slowly yet surely the e-world became appealing even for those in their 40s. It’s a conquest based on a need of this later group to communicate with their dear ones, to keep up with the hottest news or merely to keep up with and better understand the younger ones. Therefore, the world of e got more colorful and more in-depth… some call this evolution.

Our suggestion for the weeks and month to follow is to take a look to the communication e-world as well as to our relationship, the Romanian PR practitioners with it. We suggest talking about the citizen journalist and his/her blog filled with good or bad comments about that Romanians understand and calls to be the PR profession, writing about political campaigns where the users address their questions directly to the candidates but present and formulate them in short multimedia messages or even discussing about the evaluation of the impact and effect of some online campaigns.

We’ll be back soon with ideas, comments or mere questions about e-politics.

By Violeta-Loredana Pascal

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