Creating "a long hand"
Creating brand instrumentality beyond the product
In this approach, the branding is creating means for the consumer and empowering her to act for noble objectives and high purposes, which are important to her, but which she can’t achieve by herself. The "Body Shop" network made buying a way for contributing to the preservation of the environment and helping people in need all around the globe.
Creating an Alter Ego
Creating an Alter Ego
Here, the brand is a way for the consumer to behave (at least on a fantasy level) in a manner he would like to but doesn’t dare, or isn’t willing to pay the price for. The provocation of the fashion brand "Diesel" is made as if "in the name of" the brand customers. They can feel like they are provocative themselves every time the brand advertises one of its outrageous campaigns.
Building an "Emotional Gym"
Building an "Emotional Gym"
Opting for our civilized and protected life style, we compromise (not once, happily) a lot of our possibilities as humans. We go to the gym to prevent the degeneration of our body which, in our life style, doesn’t get to face the challenges it was designed for. Similarly, we watch movies and TV series’ in order to "exercise" emotional skills which aren’t legitimate in our life style. Brands like "Sicily" from "Dolce & Gabbana", allows us too to experience such emotional possibilities.
Facilitating fantasies
With only a fine difference from the previous approach, this branding approach helps the consumer to fantasize an alternative reality. Consumers fantasize about irresistible sex appeal, about omnipotence and dominance, about importance, about success, about fatal love, about murder, etc’. The brand "Timberland" was designed as a way for consumers to fantasize about courageous adventures against the forces of nature.
The understanding of the different kinds of added value, the ways by which these values are instrumental to the consumer and the methods by which brands can be destined to be means for the consumer for achieving his goals, makes the difference between masterful creations of brands and amateur imitation which produces mere look-alikes.
* * *
Dan Herman, PhD, creates Unique Success Formulas for companies and brands. To find out more, visit his Web site:
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