- Popular small SUV to feature Honda’s two-motor hybrid technology as standard
- HR-V e:HEV is the latest step in Honda’s commitment to electrify all its mainstream models in Europe by 2022
Honda will unveil the latest generation of its popular HR-V in February this year. The small SUV will feature the company’s advanced two-motor e:HEV powertrain technology as standard for the first time. Honda’s innovative hybrid set-up combines high efficiency with refined, fun-to-drive performance.
The all-new HR-V exemplifies Honda’s commitment to achieving its ‘Electric Vision’ strategy that will see all of its European mainstream models electrified by 2022. The HR-V is the latest model in Honda’s line-up to wear the e:HEV powertrain badging, joining the CR-V and all new Jazz which was launched in Europe last year.
The new HR-V e:HEV will be unveiled on 18 February 2021.
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